MDF - what to do with it and how easy is it decorate?....
MDF shapes - what do with them and how easy are they to decorate/use?
Hi Craft Addicts!
I have been wondering how easy it is to decorate MDF so thought I would have a go - the next couple of blog posts will be "charting my progress" from the first one I made to my latest one.
Home decor is now such a popular craft and so many Companies are producing blank MDF templates of all shapes and thicknesses and if they have been laser or cut by hand that it is difficult to know which ones to use or even if it makes a difference!
So, now I have some to use from the small family companies Dreamees, Stamps Away and Imagination Crafts) it is time to choose what to do with them - you will have to bear with me as this is definitely a "work in progress" and you will see how I improve (or not) over the next few attempts at making some decent products!
As you can see from these first ones - I do have a long way to go....though I do like the black one quite a bit....
So if you think this sounds interesting then why not:-
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